The Mamma Mu podcast
Conversations, discussions, interviews based in Cyprus on culture, parenting, mental health, feminism, politics and social issues. The Mamma Mu podcast is hosted by mother of three, writer and journalist Eleni Antoniou.
Συζητήσεις, κουβέντες, συνεντεύξεις γύρω από κουλτούρα, γονεϊκότητα, φεμινισμό, ψυχική υγεία, πολιτική και κοινωνικής διάστασης θέματα στην Κύπρο. Οικοδέσποινα και δημιουργός, η Ελένη Αντώνιου, μητέρα τριών παιδιών, δημοσιογράφος και σχολιάστρια.
The Mamma Mu podcast
What mothers want and support groups with Daniella Georgiou
Today on the show Daniella Georgiou, the creator of online support groups for expectant and new mothers in Cyprus, talks about the reasons she is on a mission to understand the current needs of mothers in Cyprus. With the help of specialists and experts in areas such as mindfulness, nutrition and psychology, Daniella piloted the first support groups and is here to give us the feedback. Our chat includes topics such as connection and communication, intimacy and sex, self-care tips and how we mother.
Find out more about the Mum Support Groups on Instagram
Silent breast pump mentioned is this one.
Contact Daniella on 99-407237